Teaching / Mentoring


With Joel, aka “Nature-Nanny”

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Collaborative Approach

Children are in touch with themselves- they know what they find interesting and engaging, and they want to learn. It’s my job as a caregiver and educator to meet them where they are consistently and throughout each day. I also endeavor to enhance their development in all domains by: validating any feeling; being responsive to their motivations and interests; and cultivating their relationships with the community- all with a sense of clarity, calm and joy. Children exist within a family and ‘village’, which looks different for everyone. My work includes partnering with the people in the children’s lives to build on their learning and emotional regulation- basics which contribute to the foundation of their life and future.

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The Natural Environment Emphasized

One of my strengths is connecting children to the natural environment, according to factors such as location, time, day, and interests of the child. We blend inquiry, movement, play and connection to nature- in ways that are sometimes subtly expanding awareness, and other times fostering an organic engagement with what nature presents real-time. With care towards developmental readiness and scaffolding across time, what emerges are numerous adventures and multi-layered learning, rich with story and pertinent to the individual child.

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Improvisation and Inquiry

Improvisation is another one of my strengths. Improvisation can be a strong ‘go-to’ when a plan goes out the door! The present moment may offer a diversion from a previously held agenda. As long as the direction is child-led to some degree- and proceeds safely- the learning that occurs through improvisation is very alive, rich, and cohesive for the child.

A learner’s background knowledge is informed most directly through learning that is led by intrinsic motivation, in open-ended play. This play/learning/’work’ evolves, and creativity complexifies, in tandem with all other aspects of the self. I hold a space of curiosity, play, and inquiry daily, so that children can feel safe enough to find out what interests them, as their interests unfold into passions for learning.